All Classes and Interfaces

This class is the core of this framework where it's act as your single controller.
The framework client could map this class in web.xml file with a path should be ended with *
Annotation used to indicate that a field represents a relationship of belonging to another class.
The BodyAdapter interface defines methods for adapting the body of an HTTP request to various formats.
Implementation of BodyAdapter interface, which adapts the body of an HTTP request into various formats.
A utility class that parses the body of an HTTP request.
This middleware has the rule of set upping http caching.
This middleware is for validation of incoming content-type, because the exchange data-type in the generated REST-APIs by this framework is JSON.
Indicates that a class will be used as a data source, and the value specifies the ID for this data source.
This middleware is for checking the existence of data source or not.
The DefaultDataSource class provides an API for persistence list objects of a class in JSON format, and also for reading and writing data.
Default implementation of the Persistence interface that provides default implementation for the CRUD operations using a DefaultDataSource instance.
This middleware for deleting an existed resource.
This class is responsible for constructing an ErrorResponse object using the builder pattern and setting default values for the error field based on the given status code.
An interface used to implement the builder pattern for building an ErrorResponse.
This class implements the ErrorMessageBuilder interface and provides a concrete implementation of building the ErrorResponse object using the builder pattern.
A class representing an HTTP error message to be sent to the client.
This class provides utility methods for working with fields using reflection.
Indicates that a model should use a specific data source for its storage.
This middleware is for sending all the existences of this resource.
This middleware is for a specific resource by id.
Indicates that the annotated field represents a "has many" relationship with another class.
An implementation of the Request interface that provides methods for getting HTTP request attributes and related stuffs.
Functional interface for handling HTTP requests.
An implementation of the Response interface that provides methods for setting HTTP response attributes and writing response data.
This annotation is used to mark the field in a model class that represents the unique identifier * for the object.
This middleware is for converting the incoming id (from route parameter) from string to its appropriate type.
This class is responsible for all the operation related to the id of models, such extracting the value of an id from an object of specific model, type of id...
Utility class for input/output operations.
This middleware is for transforming incoming data from the id of other resources to theirs real objects.
This interface defines the methods for persistence operations on a given model class.
This middleware for creating new resource.
This middleware is for the validation the incoming data.
The Request interface represents an HTTP request received by the server.
The Response interface represents the HTTP response to be sent back to the client.
Indicates that this class will be used to automatically generate a REST API for a model, using the data source specified in the FromDataSource annotation.
This class is responsible for handling route operations, such as URL segmentation and pattern matching.
This middleware is for set up the data source which the REST API will base on it to do persistence stuffs.
This middleware is for set the model(Class) which we will create a REST-API for it
This class is responsible for creating instance of datasource following the pattern Singleton.
Indicates that a field is unrequired for a model.This annotation is used to mark that a particular field in the model class is not required for the successful creation of an instance.
This middleware for updating an existed resource.
This middleware is for indicating that there is a change in this resource and update the http caching.