📄️ Simple example
Here is a simple example of using SwiftServe framework for rendering a hello world html page /hello:
📄️ Using lamba expression
You can write your middlewares in form of lambda expression, This will produce the same result as the last simple example:
📄️ Queries and route parameters
SwiftServe provides us a simple way to extract queries and route parameters.
📄️ Extract the request body
With SwiftServe you can extract the request body in a simple way basing on the mime-type of request for safety.
📄️ Route mapping
SwiftServe has simple and robust routing system, where you can map your route with an action as we saw in the first example. It provide simple way to do your mapping for specific http method for a route with an action. As It support the most used http methods
📄️ Middlewares
SwiftServe offers us writing middleware in simple, efficient and modern way.