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Extract the request body

With SwiftServe you can extract the request body in a simple way basing on the mime-type of request for safety.

Here is a list of example of extracting request body in different ways:

Form-data format

For form-data we call the method formDataBody() which return a Map.

Here is an example:

public class MyAction implements HttpRequestHandler {
public void method(Request req, Response res) {
Map<String, String> body = req.formDataBody();
// ...

Json format

For json format we call the method jsonBody() which return a String in form of json.

Here is an example:

public class MyAction implements HttpRequestHandler {
public void method(Request req, Response res) {
String body = req.jsonBody();
// ...

String format

We can extract the request of request without depending on its mime-type. For this, we use the method body() that parse the request body from a InputStream and convert it to String.

Here is an example:

public class MyAction implements HttpRequestHandler {
public void method(Request req, Response res) {
String body = req.body();
// ...

Url-encoded format

For url-encoded format we call the method urlEncodedFormatBody() which return a String in form of key-value separed by =.

Here is an example:

public class MyAction implements HttpRequestHandler {
public void method(Request req, Response res) {
String body = req.urlEncodedFormatBody();
// ...

Instance of the specified class

SwiftServe provides a way to parse the body of the request and maps it to an instance of the specified class.

Here is an example:

public class Book {
private String isbn;
private String title;
// ...

If the request is in form of json format and you want to parse it and map it to an instance of Book :

public class MyAction implements HttpRequestHandler {
public void method(Request req, Response res) {
Book book = (Book) req.body(Book.class);
// ...

We are working to support other format...