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Complex design

In the last example, the created REST API was only from one model, which was a simple example to demonstrate how to the automatic creation is done. Now we will create a little more complex design :

Here our class from the last example Todo:
public class Todo {
private Integer id;
private String content;
private Boolean completed;
private User user;

Here the new class User:
public class User {
String private id;
private String name;
private List<Todo> todos;

Let's to generate the REST API:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
protected void execute() throws Exception {

In this example we have a design: a user has many todos and todo belongs to a user, this means the relationship of One-To-Many.

+------+               +------+
| User | 1 --------- * | Todo |
+------+ +------+

This will generate a REST API with the next endpoints:

for Todo model:

  • GET /todos: get all todos
  • GET /todos?limit=n: get todos limited to n.
  • GET /todos/:id: get a todo by id.
  • POST /todos: add a new todo.
  • PUT /todos/:id: update all the field of an existed todo.
  • PATCH /todos/:id: update one field from an existed todo.
  • DELETE /todos/:id: delete an existed todo.

for User model:

  • GET /users: get all users
  • GET /users?limit=n: get users limited to n.
  • GET /users/:id/todos: get all todos of user with matched id.
  • GET /users/:id: get a user by id.
  • POST /users: add a new user.
  • PUT /users/:id: update all the field of an existed user.
  • PATCH /users/:id: update one field from an existed user.
  • DELETE /users/:id: delete an existed user.